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Reverse Stamp black gripy

- [11.3. 2025]
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Reverse Stamp black gripy - 1
Reverse Stamp black gripy - 2
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Designed and tested by us, the Stamp single lock on grip is the ultimate blend, if comfort and control are your main focus. With a single inner lock on grip, it keeps the outer edge of the bar soft and comfortable for riders who like to hang their hands right on the edge of the bar. To avoid damage to the vulnerable end of the grip, we have strengthened the inner part with reinforced plastic for when the bike is leaned against walls or hits the ground.

With its 30 mm diameter the grip sits in the middle of the range as a good all-rounder for all riders and disciplines for XC to DH. For the Stamp Single lock-on grip we use our soft and shock absorbing "Medium compound" rubber.




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Lokalita:Mapa010 08 Žilina


14 ľudí


5 €
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